Sunday 1 April 2012

sustainability and body image pt.1

As destructive as ‘fashion’ is on the environment, and as damaging as it can be to people, there has been a notable shift in the industry. More and more, are ethical companies becoming ‘fashionable’ with sustainable collections and ranges beginning to appear everywhere on the catwalk and highstreet alike. You need look no further than Stella McCartney or H&M, Marks and Spencer or even Tesco. Everybody seems to be having a go (even Nike!).

H&M Conscious Collection

This is great. It really is a huge leap forward in terms of sustainability, particularly with two of the largest retailers in the UK becoming involved. But is it really enough? Is it really enough to design and produce a considered organic-cotton t-shirt, only to stick a super-skinny model in it and take a pretty picture like always? No it is not. In fact, it is a complete contrast of ideas and defeats the point of that organic t-shirt and destroys the meaning. That t-shirt sends a message to the consumer about the values of that company; but so too does a size-zero model. The issue becomes now about sustainability and body image.


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